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News 18/10/21

Merriwa Rotary

If you are the same age as some of our Rotary members, you might remember “Don’t Fence Me In” written by Cole Porter and subsequently a hit song for Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters in the 1940’s. What on earth has this to do with Rotary Merriwa, you may ask?

Well, here is the answer….Work on the new air conditioned catering block at the Rotary Playgrounds is complete. Multiple tables and chairs are in place and it is good to see travellers pulling up there and enjoying the new facilities. This welcome addition provides a safe place for people to stop for a break to recharge. It was financed primarily by government grant.

Merriwa Rotary spent several thousand dollars on new tables and seating as well as doing significant lobbying to have the government funds on offer directed to Merriwa.

New signage is being prepared so that the people who have given valuable, indispensable assistance to the Rotary Playgrounds project are fittingly acknowledged.

What’s all this about FENCING? …….

The answer. Rotary has equipped the playground areas with safety fencing in recognition of the hazards caused by the ever increasing traffic flow on the Golden Highway.

ON ANOTHER NOTE….. we have many new arrivals settling in our community. Any men and women who would like to come along to see our service club in operation, with a view to possibly joining our band, would be welcome to come to a dinner meeting and look us over.

Please contact our President, Rob Goodear.


Merriwa Rugby League


When: Sunday November 7
Time: 3.00pm
Location: Merriwa RSL.
All positions declared vacant. Hope to see lots of people there.
Jessyca Morgan


Notice of Intent


Wild dog and fox baiting will be carried out by Rural and Environmental Management (REM) on Yancoal’s Goulburn River Biodiversity Area
(GRBA), Seven Oaks Biodiversity Area (Merriwa) and the Bowditch Biodiversity Area (Sandy Hollow).

The GRBA is located 40km south west of Merriwa, via Golden HWY and 2329 Comialla Road. The Seven Oaks Biodiversity Area is located at 397 Smedes Road, Turill. The Bowditch Biodiversity area is located 2.5km north of Sandy Hollow off Wybong Road.

The baits will be laid from Monday October 11 and collected by Friday November 5, 2021. Warning, domestic animals may be affected by the bait. To avoid accidental poisoning of domestic pets, please ensure their presence at home during this period. If domestic animals are affected by poison seek veterinary assistance immediately.

For further information regarding the baiting program please call the Yancoal Community Information Line on 1800 727 745 please phone
reception for more information.

Rosemarie Rohr
Rural and Environmental Management Pty Ltd




Notice is hereby given that, COVID-19 restrictions permitting, the Merriwa District Progress Association Inc. will be holding its Annual General Meeting at 6.00pm on Wednesday October 20 2021 at the Merriwa RSL Club.

For further information, email merriwaprogress@gmail.com.



Tennis Hot Shots

It’s a program designed to help every child, no matter their age or ability, jump in and start playing tennis. ANZ Tennis Hot Shots is played on smaller courts with modified equipment, including lighter racquets, lower nets and low compression balls that don’t bounce too high. With four fun stages (Blue, Red, Orange and Green).

Programs for older children available as well. Coaching and match play conducted by Chris Herden, Tennis Australia Club Professional, 25 years international and australian coaching experience. Active Kids provider. Bookings and Enquiries 0400 331 553. 

Chris Herden


Toy Box

Toy Box Mobile Play Group is excited to be back visiting all venues. We hope everyone has survived lock down and is ready to be out and about again.

As expected, there are some added restrictions for us to be able to operate from NSW Health;
• All parents/ carers/ staff joining Toy Box will be required to be vaccinated, with at least their first dose. Double vaccination is required
by November 8. An Australian Government approved Covid 19 certificate of vaccination must be sighted as proof.
• QR code sign in and out
• All adults are to wear masks
• The 1 person per 4 square metre rule will apply. However our venues are big enough to fit everybody!
• If you or your child have colds or flu like symptoms, please stay home.

Please share with your staff, notice boards, school newsletters and front counter. We are available for families to join all over the Upper Hunter.

Kimberley Vincin


Wellbeing Superspreaders

All of our Wellbeing Superspreaders have now completed their sessions with the wellbeing Coach and while we sadly haven’t been able to share some of their goals and actions via The Ringer while it’s been out of action, we’re hopeful many of you have been able to follow their progress via the @merriwawellbeingsuperspreader accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

Over the past three months they’ve all come to realise how small actions can make a significant difference to wellbeing and here are just a few examples:

• Darren Marshall has been recreating the feel good vibes that come with holidays by allocating time for reading and relaxation while at home

•Lauren Sinderberry has been coming up with weekly meal plans to take the pressure off each day and reduce stress.

• Kylie Austin has been making time for herself by giving herself an hour a day without thephone
• Rob Smith started to focus on the things he could control so he didn’t get disheartened by the daily COVID updates

• Leanne Hunt is using visual cues to help bring on the endorphins hat come with running
• James Munro is getting into the habit of stretching first thing in the morning to set himself up for a good day both physically and mentally
• Bruce Blackadder has been enjoying the sense of accomplishment that comes with setting goals to achieve something as simple as slashing the paddock
• Julia Hardy has been allocating a set time each day for reading so she can stay mentally active
• Henry Killen has been looking for the positives in every day by sharing 3 good things about his day during dinner with his fiancé Emma
• A poster saying ‘If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it’ is working as a visual cue for Emma Sparrow to avoid getting sucked into negativity.

These goals and actions are all so simple, they’re all so achievable but as our Superspreader James Munro says these fundamentals are so often forgotten if they’re not prioritised.

“I’ve learned that it’s all about having a wellbeing strategy, because a lot of us don’t. I also realised that wellbeing is something you’ve actually got to work on and it made me reflect on relationships with people and that they’re the key to feeling good.”

The Wellbeing Superspreaders are also all on a mission to recruit as many people as possible to join them for training in Mental Health First Aid. The course teaches the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and how to help those in need.

The more people in our community with this knowledge, the better we’ll all be. Details as follows:

What: Mental Health First Aid training
Where: Merriwa, tbc
When: Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 November
Cost: Free! (normally $500.00)

To book your spot, please email your name and contact number to: info@uhwheretheresawill.com.au or for further information call 0409 417 202.

Polly Yuille


Upper Hunter Shire Council


Merriwa pool will open for the new season on Friday, October 15, 2021. New service provider Community Aquatics have taken over the management of the swimming pools and are eager to welcome the public for this season.

For more information including about fees and opening hours visit council’s website.

Have your Say – Draft Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan

Upper Hunter Shire Council is seeking community feedback on the Draft Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan. The draft strategy and action plan is now available for comment and all residents are urged to have their say. Let us know what you think by emailing council@
upperhunter.nsw.gov.au or submitting a written comment via council’s website. Submissions will close at 4.00pm on Tuesday, October 26, 2021.


If you live in Merriwa or Cassilis and have an existing kerbside waste collection then place your bulky waste on the kerb over the weekend of October 23 and 24, 2021.

Stack your waste neatly and securely on the edge of the kerb. DO NOT BLOCK the footpath or roadway. Stack your waste into two tidy piles and keep your total waste under the capacity of one standard box trailer load (2m3).

Pile 1 – Garden organics:
Hedge or shrub prunings, twigs and leaves. Small branches up to 150mm diameter.

Pile 2 – Bulky Household Waste:
Larger items such as unrepairable furniture, old floor coverings, broken glass (wrapped in newspaper).

For more information visit council’s website or collect an information brochure from your nearest council office.


Australia Day Award nominations are now open, residents are encouraged to nominate an individual or community group that they would like to acknowledge for their achievements and contributions to the community. Nominating is a great way to thank those that are doing great things in the community. Nominations close October 29, 2021.

Nomination forms can be collected from any council office or downloaded from council’s website.


Local elections will be held on December 4, 2021 so it’s time to check and update, if required your enrolment details. To check, update or apply, visit: https://bit.ly/3kef26d


More than 630 people were vaccinated on October 1 at the pop-up clinic at Merriwa. Thank you to all the nurses who delivered the injections, the Royal Flying Doctor Service NSW/ACT for coming to Merriwa to deliver the vaccines and to the volunteers who helped make the clinic possible. Well done to all those who waited to get their jabs,hanks for helping to keep yourselves and the Upper Hunter safe from COVID-19.


The latest vaccination rates have Upper Hunter sitting at 92.3 per cent first dose and 66.9 per cent second dose. Upper Hunter is ahead of Dungog Shire (88.4% and 58.7%), Singleton Shire (87.2% and 49.9%), Liverpool Plans Shire (85.3% and 52.7%) and Muswellbrook (81.3% and 47.7%) in the mayor’s race.

Well done to everyone who everyone who has been vaccinated and remember to get tested if you have the slightest symptoms of COVID-19 such as sore throat, fever, runny nose or cough.

(Please note these statistics are current as at 5 October, 2021).


The following construction and maintenance works are happening in Merriwa and Cassilis this week.
• Toilets, garbage
• Parks, sports fields and reserves mowing and maintenance
• Public toilet maintenance
• Playground inspections and maintenance
• Capital works tree planting
• Cassilis Hall Maintenance
• Bunnan Bridge to Kars Springs construction works
• Bettington Street footpath
• Resheeting – Pembroke Road
• Maintenance Grading – Wollar Road.
• Heavy patching – Mountain Station Road, Idaville Road
• Initial seal preparation – Bow, McCartney Road
• Regional Road shoulder grading for reseals.
• Action requests as required.

The following roads are to be inspected next for the grading/ maintenance program:
• Vinegaroy Road
• Ulan Road

Hannah White


Merriwa Sports Club

Welcome back from lockdown. It has been great to be back at the Sports Club and being able to run our raffles and members draw. If you have visited us recently you would notice the change indoors. The recent paint job looks amazing. Thank you to everyone that helped. It was much easier and quicker with all the wonderful people who gave up their time to help. Please note that the club will no longer trade on
Mondays for the foreseeable future. Trade on every other day will remain unchanged.


Merriwa Sports Club AGM to be held on Sunday November 28 at 11.00am. All members are invited to attend.


Come along and enjoy our Saturday night raffles, 15 prizes up for grabs. The trays and packs are amazing, thanks to Merriwa IGA and
Max’s Country Cuts. Raffle begins at 7.30pm. The members draw was drawn on Saturday night, member was not present so the badge draw
jackpots to $975.00 this week. Drawn anytime between 6.30pm and 8.30pm, you must be there to win.


Friday – 5.00-7.00pm
Saturday – ALL DAY! That’s right, all day happy hours. $5.00 schooners, house spirits and wine. ALL Day. Happy Satdy everyone


Tuesday to Friday – 3.30pm to close
Saturday and Sunday – 12.00pm to close.


Due to government regulations, we are unable to permit members or guests onto our premises unless they have proof of being fully
vaccinated for COVID-19.

If you are asked by staff or directors to present your Green Tick you will need to present it. Do not be offended when you are refused entry if you’re unable to provide this. We hope that you understand that this is not our policy and that we must follow the directive of the NSW Government, therefore we will not tolerate aggressive behaviour if you are not happy about these rules.

Thank you for your understanding.

Brendan Cowell


Merriwa RSL Club

The Friday night Members Lucky Badge 7.00pm draw for $280.00 was not won the number was 374, This week it jackpots to $300.00.

The 8.30pm Members Badge draw worth $500.00 was not won the number was 303, this week it jackpots to $550.00.

The 9.00pm Members Badge draw for $180.00 was won the number was 87, this week it commencing at $200.00. LTPS/19/36118

The Sunday Members Badge Draw for $1400.00 was not won last week the number was 92, this week it jackpots to $1450.00 and will be drawn between 11.30am and 1.30pm and you must be present to win the money. LTP/19/36118 Members must be present to claim any of the
draws and present their current membership card upon request. It is an offence to NOT have your membership card on your person when on the premises.

DOUBLE THE RAFFLE PRIZES FRIDAY October 22 and Sunday October 24.

Wednesday Nights from 6.00pm – $6.00 PINTS. Dine and Discover vouchers – please register and download or print your vouchers and use
them before they expire on October 31, 2021. If you don’t have a smart phone or computer, contact the local Service NSW department at
the UHSC Merriwa office.

Saturday nights – free juke box, pool comp$100.00 first prize, $5.00 schooners and House spirits. From 6.00pm till 10.00pm.
Courtesy Bus – the clubs courtesy bus if available for pickups on Friday’s from 5.30pm (you must book by ringing club), with drop offs at 9.15pm and 10.00pm.

Friday 5.30pm to 7.30pm
Saturday 6.00pm to 10.00pm
Sunday 11.30am to 12.30pm
Bistro hours – lunch Thursday – Sunday 12/2.00pm,
Dinner Monday – Thursday 5.30/7.30pm Friday –
Saturday 5.30/8.00pm.

Matt Morgan

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