Box-Gum Grassy Woodland
BGGW Walk & Talk Field Day in Merriwa on 8 September
Do you want FREE WEED CONTROL in Box-Gum Grassy Woodland (BGGW) on your property?
We are lucky to have this critically-endangered woodland in our region and the opportunity has arisen for residents of the MERRIWA PLATEAU to have professional support for priority weed control activities in good quality remnant Box Gum Grassy Woodlands, supported by Hunter Local Land Services through funding from MACH Energy. Follow the steps below to get on board:
Attend our BGGW Walk & Talk Field Day in Merriwa on 8 September. Learn more and register here…/bggw-walk-talk-field-day…/
Come along to one of our BGGW Weed Management Planning Workshops (Cassilis, Merriwa & Sandy Hollow)…/bggw-weed-management…/
3) ![💲](
If eligible, access an LLS funded contractor to undertake targeted weed control and revegetation works (subject to development of a property weed management plan for remnant box woodland on your property and/or a box woodland revegetation plan as undertaken through the above workshop).
Contact Project Officer, Catherine Conroy; or 0427 578 937.
Merriwa Festival of the Fleeces
Today, 27 Local Government Areas commence their bush fire danger period. Residents and land holders should make sure they know the rules when it comes to the use of fire. Along with required fire permits, you must also notify your local fire authority and neighbours of your intent to burn 24 hours in advance. Today also marks the start of the new Australian Fire Danger Ratings System. Know the risk for your area and what you’ll do if a fire threatens.
For more information and to find out if your area is in the bush fire danger period, go to the NSW RFS website.
The Merriwa Country Education Foundation
Cassilis District Development Group
We are all about having a good time at the Cassilis Spring Ball… so leave your keys at home and jump on the bus!
We are hoping to get enough people to run a bus from Coolah and Merriwa and looking at being able to do pick ups and drop offs along the way ![🙌](
PLEASE email if you would like to jump on the bus.
PLEASE let us know by 31st August so we can make sure we have enough seats.
Once we confirm numbers we will let you know times and locations