Merriwa Springtime Show
Merriwa Springtime Show meeting Tuesday 15 October RSL 6.30 pm has been changed to Tuesday 29th of October same time and place. Apologies for any inconvenience
CANCELLED – Notice of Swimming Club AGM
Upper Hunter Crop Swap

Dims Dolphins
Royal Hotel Merriwa

Cassilis District Development Group
Sunday 3rd November at 4.30pm at the Cassilis Bowling Club. All Welcome.
“The CDDG strives to make Cassilis a better place by working with the community to drive development and progress in the district.
But creating a healthy and thriving community takes effort from its members.
If you’re a local, we’d love to have you involved in the CDDG. More ideas & different perspectives are always very valuable. You don’t need to take on a committee position, just come along & contribute to the monthly meetings.


Royal Hotel Cassilis

Silo Train

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Merriwa Magpies RLFC
Can Assist Merriwa

Kirsty Lee Akers

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Merriwa – Home for Christmas!

Tuesday 1st October marked the start of the 2024/25 Bush Fire Danger Period for the following local government areas: • Gilgandra Shire • Narrabri Shire • Warrambungle Shire • Bogan Shire • Gunnedah Shire • Coonamble Shire • Liverpool Plains Shire • Walgett Shire • Upper Hunter Shire • Warren Shire • Gwydir Shire • Tamworth Regional Council • Moree Plains Shire
State Matters – A Weekly Bulletin from Dave Layzell MP
Member for Upper Hunter – 28 October 2024
EARTHQUAKE SURPRISE – I EXPRESSED my amazement to the NSW Parliament last week that Muswellbrook Shire Council’s application for a natural disaster declaration to cover recent earthquakes has been rejected.
The NSW Reconstruction Authority decided not to recommend a declaration for the event “as it did not meet the criteria of eligible disaster as defined in the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) 2018.”
That is despite the 4.7 magnitude earthquake on 23 August being followed by weeks of tremors which resulted in more than thirty Aftershocks and Geoscience Australia installing monitoring stations around Muswellbrook and Denman.
My office has also been made of concerns about how insurance companies are handling claims which prompted one insurer to assure me that it assesses these claims on a case-by-case basis and is in the process of reviewing the claims.
Following last week’s developments, I have also called for the Premier and several of his ministers to provide a full account to Parliament of the earthquake damage to State infrastructure that occurred in the Muswellbrook area during August and September.
CROWN LAND GRANTS – Applications are open for community grants to help maintain and improve Crown land reserves across the state.
However, the Crown Reserve Improvement Fund (CRIF), has had its funding pool cut from $14.5 million to $10 million.
My shadow ministerial colleague for Crown Lands, Steph Cooke, has criticised NSW Labor’s decision which introduces strict eligibility criteria including a minimum $100,000 grant amount and limiting projects to those with “high quality impact.”
Eligible applicants include Crown land managers including local councils, community organisations and user groups that are licensed to use Crown reserves, including showgrounds on Crown land.
Grants will be made available to maintain and upgrade reserves and the facilities on them as well as manage feral pests and noxious weeds on reserves to protect native plants and animals.
For information on the Crown Reserves Improvement fund:
SERVICE NSW RETURNS – The Service NSW Mobile Service Centre returns to the Upper Hunter electorate later this week to provide similar services to the physical Service Centres.
Stroud is first stop on Friday, 1 November, in Cowper Street from 8.30am until 12.30pm.
Service NSW stops at the Murrurundi Visitor Information Centre, 9am-3pm, Tuesday 5 November then Scone on Wednesday 6 November, 9am-3pm, at Upper Hunter Shire Council in Liverpool Street.
Clarence Town hosts Service NSW in Grey Street on Thursday, 7 November between 9am and noon then 1-4pm at John Tucker Park, Paterson.
Services available include Hazard Perception Tests, Driver Knowledge Tests, applications and renewals of driver licence and photo cards plus applications for Working with Children Checks, plus Birth, Death and Marriage certificates and the Savings Finder.
Check here for more details:
EWON ADDS RENEWABLES – The functions of the Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON) are being expanded from December by the NSW Government.
For the first time, EWON will provide impartial information and an external dispute resolution service to landholders and community members impacted by new major renewable energy transmission infrastructure and renewable energy infrastructure projects.
EWON will provide a ‘no wrong door’ referral service for residents to connect them with the most appropriate channels to address their complaints where they fall outside the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction.
The state government is providing $1.3 million in grant funding to ensure community members and landowners hosting renewable energy infrastructure projects are actively supported.
Learn more about the work of EWON at:
MERRIWA WATER UPDATE – NSW Health advice remains unchanged as the Upper Hunter Shire Council continues to await the results of the Merriwa Water Supply investigation.
ANSTO, the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, has advised that detailed testing has taken longer than expected due to a discrepancy found between some initial test results, which required further analysis to ensure accuracy.
The additional testing is now being fast-tracked and is expected to be completed in november.
It is important to note that all follow-up tests have shown lower levels of radioactivity than initially detected.
NSW Health’s advice is that the water is safe to drink, and Upper Hunter Shire Council continues to use the bores with the lowest radioactivity levels as a precaution.
Community updates are available at:
SAFEWORK ENFORCEMENT – Scaffold safety on construction sites is currently in focus as part of SafeWork NSW’s Scaff Safe 2024 campaign.
Falls from heights remains the leading cause of fatalities on construction sites across the state with falls from unsafe scaffolds a significant contributor.
Inspectors will visit sites to talk with principal contractors and site supervisors about how to ensure their site is ‘Scaff Safe’ including verifying they have a plan in place to manage scaffold safety for each stage of the build.
Inspectors are taking a zero-tolerance approach to workers lives being placed at risk and can issue on-the-spot fines – individuals may be fined up to $900 and businesses up to $4,500.
Further information for workers, employers and licence holders can be found at:
CAMERA COMMENT – A pilot program involving Sheriff’s Officers using body worn cameras is currently being evaluated and the public is encouraged to have its say.
The NSW Sheriff’s Office in partnership with Charles Sturt University is conducting the evaluation after body worn cameras were used last year under the Court Security Act 2005, and the Surveillance Devices Act 2007.
The program aimed to test the effectiveness of the cameras in improving the safety for people attending court or receiving a court order, and Sheriff’s Officers.
Feedback is being requested from the public as well as people who have interacted with Sheriff’s Officers in the last six months including court users and jurors and those served a warrant, or enforcement order, or been part of an eviction process.
Comment closes on Thursday 31 October by completing a short confidential survey at:
BRIDGEWORK APPROACHING – The first closure of the Melville Ford Bridge next month is an indication that work is ramping up on the new crossing between the Upper Hunter and Maitland electorates.
From Monday 11 November until Friday 20 December, the bridge will close while piling foundations are installed to support ongoing construction.
Variable Message Sign (VMS) boards and other signage will be in place to remind residents and motorists of the upcoming closure.
The bridge will reopen to traffic prior to Christmas ahead of further closures expected next year.
A new $8.2 million dual lane, concrete bridge to be built over the Hunter River will help mitigate the impact of minor flooding, especially for residents living on the Upper Hunter side of the river.
The replacement is jointly funded by the NSW and Australian Governments with contributions from Maitland City Council.
For road updates check Live Traffic and Maitland City Council’s Facebook page
FOUR VALLEYS – Landholders along the Paterson, Allyn, Williams and Chichester Rivers are reminded the current round of the 4 Valleys Program closes on 7 November.
Funding for the grant program is sourced from Hunter Water Corporation to improve land management practices that reduce the risk to drinking water.
Incentives are available to carry out on-farm projects with funding focussed on work which also demonstrates a whole of property approach to grazing and environmental management.
Minimum funding is $5,000 excluding GST whilst maximum funding is $25,000 excluding GST, with a minimum contribution ratio of 3:1 through cash and/or in-kind support from the landholder.
The first step is an Expression of Interest, so discover more at:
COUNCIL WORKFORCE GRANTS – Upper Hunter electorate councils have until 8 November to apply for grants to employ more apprentices and trainees.
The NSW Government’s Fresh Start Program will fund the wages of apprentices, trainees and cadets over the next six years.
The program has been designed so councils can determine their own workforce priorities with applications assessed on merit and the funding administered by the Office of Local Government.
Following an assessment period, grants will be allocated to councils and the first round of apprentices, trainees and cadets are expected to start work early next year.
Guidelines for the grants are now available with all councils, county councils and joint organisations eligible to apply for the opening round:
ICAC OUTREACH – The next NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Rural and regional outreach program visit will be held for the Hunter and New England region next month.
ICAC is visiting Tamworth, 11-14 November, for free in-person corruption prevention workshops for NSW public officials and staff from local non-government organisations.
The Outreach program will cover Corruption prevention for managers, Corruption prevention in procurement and contract management, Preventing corrupt conduct in Local Aboriginal Land Councils, Preventing corrupt conduct in non-government organisations and Corruption
prevention for planners and regulatory officers.
Suitable officers are encouraged to attend one of the workshops and should register as soon as possible:
WATCH FOR HORSEPOWER! – Finally, straight from the horse’s mouth… Horses have the right to be on the state’s roads.
So, Transport for NSW reminds motorists to share the road safely by slowing down and giving horses space as you pass by.
Horses scare easily, can be unpredictable around traffic and when spooked can cause dangerous situations for other drivers.
If you see a horse on or near the road, slow down, leave space and pass with care – never use your horn or rev your engine.
Learn more tips on how to stay safe on rural roads:
Email address:;
Phone number: 6543 1065;
Postal address P.O. Box 493, Muswellbrook 2333.
Upper Hunter Shire Council
2025 Australia Day Awards – Nominations Now Open!

Bulk Waste Clean Up
Upper Hunter Shire Council’s annual Bulk Waste Clean Up is nearly here.
Scone, Gundy, and Moonan Flat’s collection dates: 14 – 18 October
Murrurundi, Blandford, Wingen, Parkville and Bunnan’s collection dates: 21 – 25 October
Cassillis, Merriwa & Aberdeen’s collection dates: 28 October – 1 November
Residents should place items on their kerbside on the Sunday prior to their respective week of collection in one neat pile.
Garden waste will not be accepted in this year’s collection due to the new green-lidded bin service.
For more information please read the brochure.
Note: Residents of residential properties who pay the full waste service fee, which includes the 3-bin collection, are eligible for the Bulky Waste Collection Service. This service is not available to businesses.
Each week Upper Hunter Shire Council prepares a report detailing the work that our infrastructure crews plan to deliver in the coming week.
Scheduled work is merely an indication of what we intend to undertake and is not a guarantee of work being carried out. As factors such as weather, resource availability and unexpected needs can impact Councils priorities for the coming week.
Works Delivery
- Golden Highway – Heavy patching
- Solleys Lane – Construction
- Gummun Lane – Rehabilitation
- Road inspections as required
- Action requests as required
Parks and Facilities
- Amenities maintenance
- Cemetery maintenance
- Parks, sports fields, rest areas, entrances/approaches, Showground Passive areas and reserves mowing and maintenance
- Playground inspections
- Actions requests as required
Water and Sewer
- Water treatment plant operation and maintenance
- Sewer treatment plant operation and maintenance
- Water and sewer distribution systems and actions requests as required
Have you seen something that needs attention?
Please use the Customer Request Management Form available online by clicking here to lodge an action with UHSC.
Alternatively, you can download and use the Snap, Send, Solve app from the App store. This app allows you to submit requests with various authorities or Local Council with ease. Learn more about the Snap, Send, Solve app here.