Merriwa Create and Grow Playgroup

Please phone the library on 6521 7007 to confirm numbers.

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Merriwa R.S.L Club

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Upcoming Music! 


The Anglican Parish of Merriwa
Tuesday 24th December – St. Columba of Iona, Cassilis – Holy Eucharist at 5.00pm
Wednesday 25th December – Holy Trinity, Merriwa. Christmas Day Holy Eucharist at 8.30am
Community Christmas Lunch at 12.00pm
RSVP/Enquiries 6541 2718 – All Welcome!

State Matters – A Weekly Bulletin from Dave Layzell MP
Member for Upper Hunter – 16 December 2024
DOUBLE DEMERITS – DOUBLE DEMERIT points for the Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day period apply from this Friday 20 December until 1 January 2025.
Speeding, using a mobile phone illegally, riding without a helmet, not wearing or incorrectly wearing a seatbelt or carrying passengers not wearing or incorrectly wearing a seatbelt or restraint will see you face double demerits during the enforcement period.
The demerit point system provides an incentive for drivers to improve their driving behaviour, obey road rules and comply with NSW traffic laws or the consequence is double the points, not double the fine.
Drivers are also reminded that the 40 km/h speed limit in school zones for NSW School Term 4 continues to apply until Friday 20 December.
For emergency updates and contacts if you are not familiar with the area you are visiting remember – if life is in danger call Triple Zero (000) or for help during a flood or storm call the NSW SES on 132 500.
Importantly, download the Hazards Near Me app to stay up to date about local emergencies and if travelling Live Traffic:
EPA COAL REVIEW – Engagement with coal mine licensees will start in early 2025 as the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) works to strengthen environmental protections on coal mine licences.
Following extensive community consultation and the statutory five-yearly licence review, the EPA will consider variations for 59 coal mine licences across the Hunter, Central West and Illawarra to ensure best practice operations and reduced environmental impacts.
EPA Chief Executive Tony Chappel said it is important coal mines operate responsibly to reduce air, noise and water impact on neighbours and the environment.
As a result of the review and the community feedback the EPA will now work with coal mines to look at strengthening the regulation around dust monitoring and climate change actions.
Proposed changes include improving standards for non-road diesel equipment, reviewing and improving dust monitoring conditions, improving public access to information and additional reporting on greenhouse gas emissions.
To read the full Consultation Summary visit the EPA’s Have Your Say page:
TIME TO ACT – The NSW Nationals and Liberals are calling on the Minns Labor Government to permanently allow conditional registration for Farm Fire Fighting Vehicles (FFFVs) to boost capacity this summer.
A highly successful trial enabling farmers to use the unregistered vehicles during an emergency ended in March this year, but the Government has opted for a second trial to run between 13 December and 31 March next year instead of implementing the scheme.
Under the trial, participants can nominate a FFFV or a vehicle used for firefighting purposes, to respond to emergency bush fire incidents on public roads within 100 kilometres of their home.
As the second trial begins, Transport for NSW, the NSW Rural Fire Service and NSW Farmers are working together to continue to examine ways to introduce a permanent scheme.
For more details about the trial and to nominate a FFFV for the trial visit:
REMAIN VIGILANT – The NSW Police Force Rural Crime Prevention Team is urging farmers and property managers to remain vigilant about farm security over the summer holiday period.
Hobby farms are at high risk of rural crime with owners often absent and the farms are located close to towns or cities.
Strategies to reduce risk include identifying and recording livestock, marking and recording hobby farm equipment, improving house and shed security, installing farm security cameras and ensuring your farm is insured.
Also, remember that Crime Stoppers works alongside the Rural Crime Prevention Team to tackle rural crime.
NSW Police don’t need to know who you are but they do want to know what you know or suspect – so, if you know or see something, call 1800 333 00 or report online via Crime Stoppers:
SOCIAL HOUSING DISCUSSION – Homes NSW is taking feedback until Friday 17 January 2025 on how to deliver better outcomes for people seeking housing and homelessness support.
A discussion paper has been prepared to inform planning for a better social housing and homelessness system in NSW.
The discussion paper outlines the issues and challenges impacting the non-market housing and homelessness system and sets out draft priorities and opportunities for reform.
It proposes three priority areas for action and reform such as customer-driven service, more and better homes and a system that works.
Provide feedback by completing the guided submission survey with participants having the option to complete either a short or longer version:
FERAL CONTROL UPDATE – Hunter Local Land Services has removed more than 3,000 pigs during an aerial control program in the Merriwa and Cassilis areas.
The recent work was prioritised due to the high pig densities in these areas impacting valuable agricultural assets and to build on significant work done through last year’s Feral Pig Program funding and the ongoing annual aerial and ground programs.
The results of the program included the removal of 3,105 pigs, 231 deer, 39 foxes and six cats.
Meantime, the North West Local Land Services Pest Animal team has targeted deer and feral pigs in the area south-west of Willow Tree.
Funded under the regional pest levy, the aerial phase of the Willow Tree project was completed in early October and culled 4,955 fallow deer, 207 red deer, 30 chital deer, 1561 pigs, 30 foxes and three cats.
NEW POLICE SCAN – NSW Police are using new ‘wand’ laws to detect the illegal possession of knives with the aim of reducing knife crime and boosting community safety.
Under the powers police can use handheld scanners, or electronic metal-detecting ‘wands’, to stop and scan individuals without a warrant in designated areas.
A senior police officer of the rank of Assistant Commissioner or above can turn on wand powers in designated areas including public transport stations and surrounds, shopping precincts and other public places, designated by regulation, including special events.
Senior police officers can declare the zones for up to 12 hours with an option to extend that timeframe if specific criteria are met.
UNWANTED MEDICINE DISPOSAL – If a cleanup is on your ‘to do’ list over the summer holiday then pharmacists are asking you to dispose of unwanted medication responsibly.
RUM bins are a fixture at many pharmacies for out of date or otherwise unwanted medicines which would otherwise go into landfill or waterways, potentially causing lasting harm, or worse, falling into the hands of children.
More than 13 million kilograms of unwanted material has been handled by the Return Unwanted Medicines (RUM) Project since the scheme’s inception in 1998.
The RUM Project recommends a three-step process to locate and dispose of unwanted medicines.
Read the labels, check expiry dates and review all medicines – Remove all unwanted medicines from your home medicine area and place them in a bag or container, and Return unwanted medicines to your local pharmacy.
Watch the RUM video to find out more:
SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES – There are plenty of opportunities across the Upper Hunter Electorate for children to enjoy activities during the summer school holiday.
The NSW Education Department’s Share Our Space program returns with school grounds open to the public from Saturday 21 December to Thursday 30 January but closed on the public holidays.
Scone, Ellerston, Muswellbrook, Broke, Dungog and Booral Public School playground will be open daily during the holidays with Stroud and Gloucester Public Schools only open on weekends.
On Saturday 11 January, Gloucester Public School hosts a free Share Our Space Cricket Clinic, 9.30am to 3.30pm, with all kids aged 5-12 to come prepared with lunch, a hat, sunscreen, a water bottle, and dressed in comfortable shoes and clothing for outdoor activities.
And, Singleton Youth Venue, corner of Pitt and Bathurst Streets, will be action central from Thursday 19 December through until the end January.
Singleton is participating in the NSW Government’s Holiday Break which ensures regional youth have access to free enriching, educational and enjoyable experiences during the school holidays.
To see the activities available:
For details on Share our Space school playgrounds go
LANDCARE AWARD NOMINATIONS – Nominations close on Saturday 31 December for the 2025 Bob Hawke Landcare Award.
The prestigious national award publicly recognises an individual, group or organisation that has been involved in championing land care and inspiring others to take action on their property or in their community.
Funded by the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry the award is administered by Landcare Australia on behalf of the Australian Government.
The Bob Hawke Landcare Award acknowledges the role the former Australian Prime Minister played in elevating landcare from a grass-roots community initiative to a national movement with enduring bi-partisan government support.
Next year’s winner will be announced at the National Landcare Awards Gala dinner on Tuesday 23 September.
For more on the award and how to make a nomination visit:
PS – LETTERS TO SANTA! – Australia Post has assured children they still have time to send their Christmas wishes to Santa.
This year, our postal service is again helping little ones albeit a little differently this time.
Children take their letters to the Post Office and are receiving a special response straight from the North Pole.
Here is how the festive fun works – kids write their letter to Santa, pop the letter in a sealed envelope with no need for a postage stamp or return address then visit the Post Office ready for some Christmas magic!
As soon as they hand in their letter each child receives a special reply from Santa, along with a lovely Christmas Pip the Koala ornament to hang on the tree.
For more information about the Santa Mail program and updates, visit:
Email address:;
Phone number: 6543 1065;
Postal address P.O. Box 493, Muswellbrook 2333.
Upper Hunter Shire Council
Works Schedule – Week Starting Monday, 16 December 2024
Works Delivery
- Golden Highway – Reseal preparations
- Mount Erin Road – Maintenance grading
- Solleys Lane – Construction
- Road inspections as required
- Action requests as required
Parks and Facilities
- Amenities maintenance
- Cemetery maintenance
- Parks, sports fields, rest areas, entrances/approaches, Showground Passive areas and reserves mowing and maintenance
- Playground inspections
- Actions requests as required
Water and Sewer
- Water treatment plant operation and maintenance
- Sewer treatment plant operation and maintenance
- Water and sewer distribution systems and actions requests as required
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2024 Christmas Closures
For more information on closures, contact our Customer Service Team on 02 6540 1100. As the festive season approaches, please note the following closures to Council services:
Admin Buildings – Merriwa and Murrurundi administration buildings will be closed all day on Friday, 20 December 2024. Scone’s administration centre will close at 12:00 pm on the same day. All admin buildings will reopen on Thursday, 2 January 2025.
Waste Facilities – Waste facilities will be closed on 25 and 26 December 2024, and 1 January 2025. Kerbside bin collections will be delayed by one day from 25 December 2024 to 6 January 2025 (e.g., Monday’s collection will occur on Tuesday).
Early Learning Centres – The last day for children is Thursday, 19 December 2024. These centres will reopen on Monday, 6 January 2025.
Youth Centres – All youth centres will close from Wednesday, 18 December 2024. The Murrurundi and Scone centres will reopen on 4 February 2025, while the Merriwa Youth Centre will reopen on 5 February 2025.
Libraries – Cassilis Library will close on Thursday, 19 December 2024, and reopen on Wednesday, 8 January 2025. Libraries in Aberdeen, Merriwa, and Murrurundi will close on Friday, 20 December 2024, and reopen on Thursday, 2 January 2025. Scone Library will close at 12:00 pm on Friday, 20 December 2024, and also reopen on Thursday, 2 January 2025.
Attractions – Hunter Warbirds and Visitor Information Centres will be closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
After-Hours Emergencies – For urgent issues involving roads, bridges, animal control, water, sewer, or landfill during after-hours, contact Council at (02) 6540 1199. Issues can also be reported anytime via the Council’s website:

Upper Hunter Shire Council is pleased to announce that recent radionuclide testing confirms that Merriwa’s water remains safe to drink. The testing, conducted by Australia’s Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), shows that the water has a radioactivity dose ranging between <0.2 and <0.34 mSv/year. This range is well below the Australian national reference level of 1 mSv/year.
The results were received late last week and have since been reviewed and verified by Council, NSW Health, and Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, and Water (DCCEEW) Following a meeting with key stakeholders yesterday, Council is pleased to share this update to the community.
The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) screening value has been set to prioritise public health. These results confirm that the Merriwa drinking water supply is below the screening value . Upper Hunter Shire will continue to collaborate with the relevant agencies to ensure the safety of the community’s drinking water.
Council will continue to monitor the drinking water in line with ADWG and NSW Health recommendations to verify the safety and quality of the water supply.

Community Strategic Plan 2034 – Shaping the Future of the Upper Hunter Shire
Welcome to the consultation page for the Upper Hunter Shire Community Strategic Plan (CSP) 2034. This is the central hub for all information related to our CSP engagement process, where you’ll find everything you need to participate, stay informed, and share your vision for the Shire.
Our CSP is a 10-year roadmap that sets the vision, values, and priorities for the Upper Hunter Shire, ensuring we grow in a way that aligns with the community’s needs and aspirations. Unlike specific project planning or budgeting, the CSP guides the big picture—the major themes and directions we’ll focus on, from environmental sustainability to community well-being and economic resilience.
To see how this plan can guide our future, you can review our current Community Strategic Plan to gain a better understanding of how we identify and address the long-term needs of the Shire.
What Is the CSP and Why Is It Important?
The CSP is designed to answer questions like:
- What kind of community do we want to become?
- What values and priorities are essential to the Upper Hunter Shire?
Our CSP isn’t about detailing individual projects or setting budgets; it’s about setting Council’s vision for the future and providing a framework that informs other planning documents like our Delivery Program and Operational Plan. By participating, you help shape a CSP that reflects what matters most to the community.
How to Get Involved
We’ve designed a variety of ways for residents to get involved in the CSP consultation, including:
Phone Survey:
- The phone survey will commence on 4 November. Initially, calls will come from 02 4355 9760, with the full team later calling from 02 8358 2995. This is your chance to share your thoughts on the future of the Shire directly with Council. The survey will run for approximately 7–10 days.
Complete a Digital Survey:
Printed surveys are also available by request at Council offices, libraries, and key community locations. As a thank-you, all participants will have the chance to win one of five $100 WeLiveHere gift cards.
Attend Community Events and drop-ins:
Chat with Council about the Community Strategic Plan at:
- Christmas on Kelly, Scone – Thursday, 12 December, 5–7 PM
- Merriwa Home for Christmas – Friday, 13 December, 5–7 PM
- Twilight Christmas Markets, Murrurundi – Saturday, 14 December, 5–7 PM
Pop-up Drop-in Sessions: Come along to a drop-in session, where Council staff and Councillors will be available to chat about the CSP and answer any questions.
- Moonan Flat
Tuesday, 26 November, 4–6pm
Moonan Flat Pub - Aberdeen
Thursday, 28 November, 4–6pm
Aberdeen Library
Stay Connected:
Follow us on social media and check this page for regular updates, discussions, and results from the consultation process.
Consultation Timeline
- Phone Survey Begins: Commences 4 November 2024
- Digital Survey Opens: 12 November 2024
- Community Engagement Period: 12 November 2024 – 7 February 2025
- Survey Closes: Midnight, Friday 7 February 2025
- Review and Drafting: March 2025
- Public Exhibition of Draft CSP: April 2025
- Final Adoption of CSP: 26 May 2025
What Happens Next?
After gathering feedback from the community, Council will review and incorporate your input to refine the CSP. The draft plan will then go on public exhibition in April 2025, providing a final opportunity for community feedback before adoption in May.
Why Your Voice Matters
Your participation helps ensure that the CSP truly reflects the needs, values, and aspirations of the Upper Hunter Shire community. Whether you’re passionate about environmental sustainability, community services, or economic growth, this is your chance to influence the Shire’s future.
Let’s work together to create a Community Strategic Plan that everyone in the Upper Hunter Shire can be proud of. Have your say, and help shape our future!
Have you seen something that needs attention?
Please use the Customer Request Management Form available online by clicking here to lodge an action with UHSC.
Alternatively, you can download and use the Snap, Send, Solve app from the App store. This app allows you to submit requests with various authorities or Local Council with ease. Learn more about the Snap, Send, Solve app here.