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News Week Starting 2/12/2021


Local Lands Merriwa

Our ‘Potting up day’ saw 29 volunteers help pot up 2200 plus baby plants into individual tubes on 9 November. A massive thankyou to everyone
who contributed their time and labour. The plants are now at the Muswellbrook Landcare nursery being nurtured along. We hope to have another plant stall to sell these beauties
in Merriwa in Autumn 2022. A variety of species are being grown including Acacia’s, Kurrajongs, Blakely’s Red Gum, False Sarsaparilla, three varieties of Hops Bush.

Thanks to the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife, Merriwa Landcare, Merriwa Men’s Shed, Merriwa Show Society, Upper Hunter Shire Council, Hunter Local Land
Services, Hunter Aboriginal Riverkeeper Team and the Green Thumbs Group.
Catherine Conroy





Can Assist

Can Assist Merriwa is holding their annual Christmas Ham raffle.
DATE: December 11
VENUE: Merriwa Sports Club
COST: $1.00 a ticket
TICKETS: On sale from 5.00pm for 7.30pm draw.

30 Christmas Ham with more prizes added as the day approaches. All monies raised go directly to assisting those diagnosed with Cancer in Merriwa and the
surrounding settlements. If we can help or if you just need to chat, give us a call on 0431 939 093 or 6548 5191.
Marlene Rogers


Carols in the Park

The Combined Christian Churches of Merriwa would like to hold the Carols in the Park on December 12, 2021 at 6.00pm in Apex Park Merriwa.

Covid19 restrictions may still be in place, so we may have to modify the way we hold the event.. However, please keep this date free.
Ron Campbell


Merriwa Rotary

At our last meeting the club dealt with requests received almost simultaneously from Merriwa Central School and St Joseph’s Merriwa for special projects being planned for each

Merriwa Central asked for a donation towards the supply of canteen equipment needed for the catering at the school……Total cost $1,200.00.

St Joseph’s provided a very detailed list of books they would like to have to enhance the school’s library…… Total cost $629.00.

Our club was happy to respond to each request with a donation for the full amount St Joseph’s Principal, Ashley Borg was present at the meeting and we were delighted to present
him with a cheque for $629.00 immediately…. a photo of the presentation accompanies this

A new sign, acknowledging and updating the major sponsors of our Rotary Playgrounds, has
been approved and will soon be erected to replace the former sign which was taken down during the recent playgrounds expansion Rotary Merriwa has a number of other ideas
for assistance to our community under consideration.

Mark Smith


Merriwa Rugby League Football Club

We are still looking for Grounds Manager, a very important role as the games can not commence each weekend without a ground manager.
If you are able to fulfil this role, please get in contact with one of the committee members and attend our next meeting  on Thursday 2 December at Merriwa RSL club at 6.00pm.
Thank you Laurel Whitby for putting your hand up for canteen coordinator for the 2022 season, very much appreciated.

Sponsorship letters have gone out, please check your email, if you are interested and have not received a letter, please feel free to get in contact with us.

Thank you again to all our sponsors for 2021, we appreciate everyone of you and would not be to continue without your support.
Jessyca Robins


Feast with Friends

The community would like to invite you to a Community Christmas Dinner December 25. Alone on Christmas day? Come along and share good company with others. If enough
interest, we will put on a full Christmas Dinner at 12.30pm on Christmas Day at the Anglican Hall in McKenzie Street.

For catering purposes, please indicate your attendance by Friday December 10 by calling Deidre on 0429 320 821. We will confirm if it is going ahead in the last Ringer for 2021.
Deidre Peebles



Merriwa CWA

Thank you to everyone that donated and purchased goods from our street stall that was held on Friday. It was nice to be able to see everyone out and about.
The winners of our 100 club were:
First Prize with number 24 was Carol Job
Second Prize with number 44 was Keith Richards
Third Prize with number 14 was Carol Job.

Thank you again for supporting our group. We will be having another Christmas stall on Friday 10 December 2021. There will be some Christmas gifts to purchase as well as our usual cooking
goodies. Hoe to see everyone there. The Fourth Monday of the Month. Start time: 10.00am We will be starting a craft day every fourth Monday of the month. Bring along your morning
tea or lunch and craft to enjoy a nice social day. Bring any craft you wish to do and if you would like to learn something new, all you have to do is ask. Learn to Knit or crochet even some
sewing. Everyone is welcome it is NOT just for CWA members, your children are more than welcome.

Our next meeting will be Monday December 13 2021 at 10.00am at the CWA rooms, 159 Bettington Street Merriwa. New members are always welcome, so why not drop in and say

Enquiries to: Barbara Campbell on 02 6548 5131 or 0428 485 131 or Kim Clydsdale on 02 6548 2558 or 0421 910 658
The CWA Rooms are available for hire at very reasonable rates by contacting Kim Clydsdale on 02 6548 2558 or 0421 910 658 or Email :kmclydsdale@gmail.com
Kim Clydsdale

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