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News Week Starting 18/11/21

Merriwa Ringer



Over 40 community members attended a meeting on November 10 to discuss the future of the Merriwa Ringer. The Ringer has played a key role within the community for over 30 years and is highly valued by the community. However, the time has come for the community to take ownership of the Ringer, and determine if it has a future and what that might look like.

Rising costs and greater use of social media has meant that the Ringer is no longer financially viable. The Ringer receives no additional funding other than local advertising and sponsorship and is currently a considerable burden on Merriwa Central School. Several years ago action was taken to reduce the publications costs associated with the Ringer, and consideration given to the introduction of individual sponsorship. However, this model of sponsorship was not supported by the community. As a result the school can  no longer cover the loss of producing the community newsletter, currently in excess of $36,000 per year.

Community members attending the meeting recognised it was not fair on the students and parents of Merriwa Central School to be expected to meet these ongoing costs. The school will sadly cease production of the Ringer next month.

A meeting will be held on Thursday November 25 at 6.00pm at the RSL Club to form a community steering committee to consider the future viability of the Ringer. It is anticipated the committee will review the governance, production and financial operations of the Ringer based on the
feedback from the community. All interested community members are invited to attend.
Darren Noonan
Merriwa Central School


Merriwa Senior Citizens

The Merriwa Senior Citizens will hold their next meeting this Tuesday, November 23 at 12.30pm in the Squatters Corner of the Merriwa RSL Club. The meeting will be followed by a game of Hoi
and a social chat. New Members are always welcome – a yearly $5.00 membership fee applies.

Covid rules and restrictions still apply. Masks must be worn and those attending must check in. Proof of double vaccination will need to be shown.
Barbara Cronin



Feast with Friends

The community would like to invite you to a Community Christmas Dinner December 25. Alone on Christmas day? Come along and share good company with others. If enough
interest, we will put on a full Christmas Dinner at 12.30pm on Christmas Day at the Anglican Hall in McKenzie Street.

For catering purposes, please indicate your attendance by Friday December 10 by calling Deidre on 0429 320 821. We will confirm if it is going ahead in the last Ringer for 2021.
Deidre Peebles



Merriwa Rotary


Our Club President, Rob Goodear and wife Maree recently attended a two day seminar on Youth Mental First Aid, run under the sponsorship of Where There’s a Will.
Both found it very informative and appreciated the great value of spreading the message of the problems of mental illness faced by many in our community.

Rotary Merriwa has been a supporter of Where There’s a Will since the group was formed and will continue to back it.

By the time this Ringer is published, I expect that all remaining prize money will have been distributed. The list of winners is on display in a number of shop windows in Merriwa, as well as
having been published in last week’s RINGER.

Our thanks to all who supported our club in this effort. In these Covid19 difficult times, the proceeds will boost our efforts to continue assisting local causes, such as the Angus Peebles Bursary.

Mark Smith


Carols in the Park

The Combined Christian Churches of Merriwa would like to hold the Carols in the Park on December 12, 2021 at 6.00pm in Apex Park Merriwa.

Covid19 restrictions may still be in place, so we may have to modify the way we hold the event. However, please keep this date free.
Ron Campbell



Can Assist

Can Assist Merriwa is holding their annual Christmas Ham raffle.
DATE: December 11
VENUE: Merriwa Sports Club
COST: $1.00 a ticket
TICKETS: On sale from 5.00pm for 7.30pm draw.

30th Christmas Ham with more prizes added as the day approaches.

All monies raised go directly to assisting those diagnosed with Cancer in Merriwa and the surrounding settlements. If we can help or if you just need to chat, give us a call on 0431 939 093
or 6548 5191.
Marlene Rogers


Samaritans Purse

Christmas Boxes

COVID isn’t curtailing collecting the Christmas boxes for 2022, in fact with the spread and the effect of the virus on communities, the boxes will be even more necessary.

I have the boxes available, and would encourage anyone who would like to help some of the children who are not as fortunate as we are, to fill a box. To see the joy on the faces of
the children, as they receive the gift of the box, brings such joy to the giver. This gift is probably the first they have ever received. Samaritans Purse send a video to the distributor
– that’s how I can say I have seen the joy.

This year the boxes will be going to Madagascar and Cambodia. Boxes will be collected from Merriwa by mid November. If anyone would like to fill a box or two, please
contact me on 0428 485 131 or 6548 5131.
Barbara Campbell
St. Davids Uniting Church


Save the Merriwa Ringer

A meeting has been called to discuss the future of the MERRIWA RINGER publication for November 25 at 6.00pm and will be held at the Merriwa RSL Club.

This is a public meeting and your attendance is important to discuss this important subject would be appreciated. If the community come together and decides
to form a committee to oversee this process then further action to support the ongoing publication of the Merriwa Ringer will occur but it needs your support.
Ron Campbell


Merriwa Hospital Auxiliary


Thursday November 18 will be our next General Meeting to be held at the RSL Club at 2.00pm. All members and community are invited to attend. On the agenda will be fundraising ideas and
our Christmas Cheer ideas for the MPS residents.

All welcome. Membership fees of $5.00 are due and new members are most welcome. See you Thursday November 18 at 2.00pm.
Elaine Sparrow




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