This site has been setup to promote the Merriwa community; all businesses, clubs and non-profit organisation in Merriwa and surrounding areas.

If your organisation is not represented, or event and meeting details are missing, then contact us  and submit to us the following:

  1. Name of organisation
  2. Address
  3. Contact person
  4. Phone No.
  5. Email address
  6. Web address
  7. Meeting time and where
  8. and some information about your organisation

Kim Fenley

Chair Merriwa Community Portal

Merriwa Community Portal Contacts


President: Kim Fenley

PO Box 20
Merriwa NSW 2329

Tel: (02) 6548-3060

Mob: 0418 570 743


Secretary:Megan Moore

PO Box 162
Merriwa, NSW, 2329

Tel: (02) 6548 2992

Mob:   0400 653446
